
Ask Command


ask <question> [with <suggestion>] at [x,y] Applies to global


The ask command creates a dialog box that prompts the user to type a response. <question> size limit varies by font style and platform. Oracle Media Objects automatically generates two reply buttons for you: OK and Cancel. The typed response is stored in the variable it. If you include a text string <suggestion> when you use the ask command, the suggestion appears in the dialog box as highlighted text. If you do not enter a suggested reply, the entry field of the dialog box is blank. Optionally, you can specify the location of the dialog box by supplying the x and y offsets (in pixels) from the top-left corner of the Oracle Media Objects window. If you do not specify a location, Oracle Media Objects centers the dialog box on the screen.


The text a user types into the dialog box (i.e., the answer to the question) is placed into the variable it, either when the OK button is clicked or when Enter is pressed. If the Cancel button is clicked (or Escape is pressed), the dialog box is dismissed and it remains empty.


You can use the ask command to request information, such as the user's name. Type the following examples in the Message Box and press Enter after each. After you have answered each question, type it in the Message Box to see the stored value. ask "What is your name?" with "John Smith"
This text has been mechanically extracted from the Oracle Media Objects MediaTalk Reference, © 1995 Oracle Corporation, and is provided here solely for educational/historical purposes.